liz·ard - [liz-erd]

- noun

definition :: Typically having a monderately scaly elongated body, movable eyelids, a tapering tail, and four legs.

quick fact :: The only places on earth lizards can't be found are Antarctica, the Arctic, and Northern North America.

Event management.
Do you have a race that could use some help? Knowing what it takes to build an event from scratch, Guess Consulting Inc can manage any part of your event giving you the time you need to handle your other obligations.

Race Organization.
Do you have an idea that you want to see come to fruition? Guess Consulting Inc has the history and knowledge to help turn your idea into an actual event. From permitting to staffing, we can make it all happen.

Wheather you’re looking to become a sponsor or trying to attain a sponsorship, Guess Consulting Inc can help you find/build the perfect partnership.

Have an event that you want to make bigger and better? Want to make it run more smoothly? Want to make it more profitable? Guess Consulting Inc can help, we know what it takes to turn a small race into a huge event.

Need somebody to present your event to markets around the US/world? Do you not have time to travel around to expos where you know you need to be? Call Guess Consulting, we’ll do the traveling for you and represent your event with excitement and professionalism.

Brain Storming Sessions.
Tired of the same old ideas being bounced around in the conference room?  Wish you could bring in professionals that have event history with the largest events in the country do try to find that next perfect idea? Want to try to figure out where the market is going? Call Guess Consulting bring in a ringer or two to your next jam session. We’ll give your next brain storming session a jump start, a well need boost of energy.



Guess Consulting Inc.
(850) 261.6171